Haydn's Jyotish

My List of Recommended Books on
Jyotish and Vedic Astrology:

Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, by James T. Braha.

This is the book that I learned Jyotish from! (It was originally published in 1986.) It has the best interpretations I’ve seen for the effects of all of the different planets in the twelve houses.
How to Be a Great Astrologer: The Planetary Aspects Explained, by James T. Braha.

This book contains interpretations for all of the combinations of two planets, both their aspects and conjunctions. The interpretations are often over a page apiece, so there is quite alot of information.
How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, by James T. Braha.

This used to be titled: Transits of the West, Dashas of the East: How to Predict Your Future.
It has some very interesting and accurate material on Dashas and transits. As you might expect, it has much more detail on the subject than Ancient Hindu Astrology does.
The Art and Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology: Nine Intimate Sessions Between Teacher and Student, by James T. Braha.

This book contains a practical synergy of Braha’s 20 years experience as a practicing astrologer.
Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology, by Beepin Behari.

Fortunately this book has come back in print! It has the best descriptions of all of the Nakshatras of any book I’ve seen, and since it was edited by David Frawley, it is quite clear and easy to understand.
Light on Life, by Hart deFouw and Robert Svoboda.

Among the people I know here in Fairfield, Hart deFouw is one of the most popular Jyotish teachers. His book explains many things which most other books don’t cover. He explains how to interpret a chart, rather than just giving the reader examples.
The Astrology of the Seers a Guide to Vedic (Hindu) Astrology, by David Frawley.

This book, like deFouw’s above, is also very thorough. Each one covers subjects which the other doesn’t though. Ce la vie!

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